14 research outputs found

    Map of Pasoh Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia.

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    <p>The dark gray area represents unlogged forest and the light gray area represents forest that was lightly selectively logged in the 1950s. The rectangle at the center of the reserve is the CTFS 50 ha permanent plot. Broken lines represent research trails. Solid lines marked A to C are the transects along which our observations were conducted.</p

    Posterior distributions of parameter values for <i>Clidemia hirta</i> abundance (left) and soil disturbance (right).

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    <p>Colors were assigned based on the 95% credible interval: Black<0; Grey, incorporating zero; White >0. The median values are given beside each distribution. The x-axis represents the parameter value and the y-axis the probability (some peaks are truncated).</p

    Estimated decline in soil disturbance (A) and <i>Clidemia hirta</i> abundance (m-2) (B).

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    <p>Soil disturbance is given as the percentage of 1 m segments affected per 5 m section. The broken lines represent confidence intervals.</p

    Distribution of measured parameters along each transect.

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    <p>The x-axis represents the distance from the forest edge. The solid line in the middle of each panel represents the abundance of <i>Clidemia hirta</i>. The bar in the middle of each panel represents intensity of soil disturbance (scale 0–5). Bars at the top and bottom of each panel represent the location of canopy openings and swampy areas, respectively.</p

    Factors Determining Forest Diversity and Biomass on a Tropical Volcano, Mt. Rinjani, Lombok, Indonesia

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    <div><p>Tropical volcanoes are an important but understudied ecosystem, and the relationships between plant species diversity and compositional change and elevation may differ from mountains created by uplift, because of their younger and more homogeneous soils. We sampled vegetation over an altitudinal gradient on Mt. Rinjani, Lombok, Indonesia. We modeled alpha- (plot) and beta- (among plot) diversity (Fisher's alpha), compositional change, and biomass against elevation and selected covariates. We also examined community phylogenetic structure across the elevational gradient. We recorded 902 trees and shrubs among 92 species, and 67 species of ground-cover plants. For understorey, subcanopy and canopy plants, an increase in elevation was associated with a decline in alpha-diversity, whereas data for ground-cover plants suggested a hump-shaped pattern. Elevation was consistently the most important factor in determining alpha-diversity for all components. The alpha-diversity of ground-cover vegetation was also negatively correlated with leaf area index, which suggests low light conditions in the understorey may limit diversity at lower elevations. Beta-diversity increased with elevation for ground-cover plants and declined at higher elevations for other components of the vegetation. However, statistical power was low and we could not resolve the relative importance to beta-diversity of different factors. Multivariate GLMs of variation in community composition among plots explained 67.05%, 27.63%, 18.24%, and 19.80% of the variation (deviance) for ground-cover, understorey, subcanopy and canopy plants, respectively, and demonstrated that elevation was a consistently important factor in determining community composition. Above-ground biomass showed no significant pattern with elevation and was also not significantly associated with alpha-diversity. At lower elevations communities had a random phylogenetic structure, but from 1600 m communities were phylogenetically clustered. This suggests a greater role of environmental filtering at higher elevations, and thus provides a possible explanation for the observed decline in diversity with elevation.</p></div

    Relationships between elevation and beta-diversity (among plots with elevation stations) for different components of vegetation on Mount Rinjani, Indonesia.

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    <p>(A) ground-cover plants (y = 6.92+2.06x), (B) understorey plants (y = 10-4.2x-4.04x<sup>2</sup>, all stations 2200 m included), (C) subcanopy plants (y = 4.62-2.32x), (D) canopy plants. Solid lines indicate relationships including all elevation stations and the dashed lines indicate the relationships when the station at 2200 m (fire-maintained grassland) was omitted. Only relationships that were significant (<i>p</i><0.05) in univariate regression models are shown.</p

    Map of the Island of Lombok and Mt. Rinjani, the study site, and the sample design.

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    <p>It was not possible to sample vegetation below 1000 m because of human disturbance and above 2000 m were fire-maintained grasslands. Access was only possible through using the main hiking trail on the north slope of the mountain.</p

    Relationships between elevation and slope, and between elevation and various components of forest structure on Mount Rinjani, Indonesia.

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    <p>A) slope, B) canopy height (y = 38.19+0.01x, R<sup>2</sup> = 0.21), C) LAI, D) basal area, E) tree density, where filled circles are for subcanopy trees (y-axis on left, y = 3.68+0.05x, R<sup>2</sup> = 0.25) and open circles are for canopy trees (y-axis on right, y = 12.39-0.48x-14.62x<sup>2</sup>, R<sup>2</sup> = 0.33), and F) canopy openness. Solid lines indicate relationships including all elevation stations and the dashed lines indicate the relationships when the station at 2200 m (fire-maintained grassland) was omitted. Only significant (<i>p</i><0.05) relationships are shown. The non-zero woody biomass and canopy height for the grassland station (2200 m) are because there were small numbers of isolated trees.</p